Friday, March 14, 2008

SPA Interview for Medical Officer
Talk about FAVOR!!!
I really owe this one BIG TIME to d big guy up there.... without His help, I dont think i would even hire myself!! Gosh...
Really feel under-prepared for this interview... it was in English (thank GOD!!)... and it was a good jerk to reality that its time to really buck up twice as hard and thrice as smart... or else.. its a harsh blow to the face of reality! But most of all, watching those that came out from my board with the long face or the grumpy expression... that totally didnt help boost any confidence i had left. But thanks to those that still kept my head up high even when I tried to hide it low... for the pat on the back and the hugs... and the shoulder to lean on... I am eternally grateful! Most of all, for the favor that always goes before me... the one that causes the panel to not be able to but just be nice to me... even after all that I have heard about my board, I think I can fully digress!! I totally love my panel... that they were really encauraging, making my interview a pleasantly enjoyable one although I barely could answer the tough Medical questions given. And to be told at the end that all I needed was just a little bit more confidence in myself... i couldn't agree more! Praise and glory to Him who sustains my very breath!!
After all said and done, I am totally thankful and grateful that I passed... why not...I'm a government servant grade UD41 when I graduate!!! hehehehe....
*thanks for being there... even though you would've been there had to...=P*

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