Sunday, March 09, 2008

Love Unconditionally...
That was what the theme of the sermon in service last night. Really reminded me again and again that this is what REAL love is all about. Not picking sides, irregardless of situations, emotions or strength... to love in ALL circumstances. It is not easy, I must admit. There are lots of times when we pick and choose who we want to love or when we want to love.
Although we are called to love everyone the same, there are just some people whom we love more than others... not that we are conditional... but just that we are investing into their lives. Never-the-less, we must still constantly check our motives lest we start getting conditional with these people because they are closer to us. Constantly making sure that we do not start to require more of the other person than before.
"O God, help me to love others as you love me... and BE love...even as You are love"

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