I'm at a lost of words to say...
Its been such a great ride I so wanna stay...
You make me happy...
you drive me wild...
You make me feel like a child.
I am myself when I'm around you...
Forget the world when you look into my eyes...
You make me see the silver lining behind every dark cloud
Even before the rain starts to pour...
The courage to stand a lil taller...
Strength to fight a lil harder...
Love to conquer any boulder...
Hope to see through the rest of the future...
the grass isnt only greener...
it can change to ANY color you want it to be...
Endless possibilities...
Nothing is impossible unless untried.
For all the things done and words said...
You have changed my world 180...
turning it all around, not even leaving a stone untouched.
How did it ever get this far?
I haven't the slightest idea.
All I can say is that...
It is all part of the Master's plan.
*31, Stutong Avenue*
10:32 pm