I've learned....
That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.
Got this from an email..
I guess its really true. Can't run away from facts forever. Ignoring it is just procrastinating to have to deal with it. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to face that giant... or one day, I'll be able to pull myself together to make something out of it. But whatever the lame excuse that we give, facts will remain facts... unchangeable...
I guess the best thing to do is to take it right when you first had to deal with it. Take it by the collar and grab a hold of it. Face your fears and get some help rather than run away and hide in a small corner where u think no one can find you.
Just when you think that that is all that you can do, you'll find that there is so much more to yourself than what you really see. God made you special... there is only one YOU... and that is definitely a FACT!